Chris Keates

Software Engineer

Salt Lake City, UT | |

A software engineer with ten years experience in healthcare technology, with a focus on building services and applications that handle the complexities of healthcare data and transform them into actionable insights for the end user. I consider myself fortunate to have opportunities to learn, grow and apply my full-stack skillset to a variety of healthcare domains, including real-time event processing, notification systems, and user interface development. As the challenges of the healthcare industry continue to evolve, my goal is to deepen my understanding of these challenges and help architect the solutions, as well as provide mentorship and knowledge-sharing of what I’ve learned.

Work Experience


Senior Software Engineer | Aug 2021 - Current

Working across our technology stack to support patient event messaging, data processing, custom reporting systems, and front-end platform of healthcare information to our customers.

Software Engineer | Apr 2019 - Aug 2021

My initial role involved working with a team focused on decomposing a monolithic application into microservices, specifically:

Health Catalyst

Software Engineer | Sep 2016 - Apr 2019

Worked full-stack on a web application that provides analytics, data visualization and notification solutions to hospital decision support teams

Business Intelligence Developer | Apr 2015 - Sep 2016

Created enterprise-grade business intelligence applications using Tableau and Qlik platforms.


Used in daily work:


Interested in/Learning on my own:


University of Utah, Salt Lake City UT

Masters of Science, Information Systems | Aug 2012 - Dec 2013

Westminster University, Salt Lake City UT

Bachelor of Arts, Economics | Aug 2005 - May 2009